The Better Human Podcast
Building Better Humans by exposing the status quo, and creating free, sovereign, and independent thinking humans. Let's make the world a better place by bettering ourselves and showing others how to better themselves. That's how we pay it forward for the next generation, my son's generation, so they don't inherit a broken world controlled by global elites and mismatched incentive structures. Hosted by Colin Stuckert, Freedom Lover, Bitcoin and Privacy advocate, and Better Human pursuer.
The Better Human Podcast
Mind Training: THE MIND OF MAN CAN LIFT ANYTHING (Gravemind)
Colin Stuckert
Audio Player
00:00 | 11:02
This is not my work. It is from a fantastic creator called Gravemind. I recommend checking out his other work and supporting him however possible. Source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH6p2AbANSM&t=13s&ab_channel=GRAVEMIND
Listen to these audios on repeat. The more, the better. Train your mind. You become what you think about. You think about what feeds your mind. So feed it what you want it to think about through careful selection and repetition.