The Better Human Podcast
Building Better Humans by exposing the status quo, and creating free, sovereign, and independent thinking humans. Let's make the world a better place by bettering ourselves and showing others how to better themselves. That's how we pay it forward for the next generation, my son's generation, so they don't inherit a broken world controlled by global elites and mismatched incentive structures. Hosted by Colin Stuckert, Freedom Lover, Bitcoin and Privacy advocate, and Better Human pursuer.
The Better Human Podcast
My Last 6 Months of Life (Im back)
Colin Stuckert
It's been a long 6 months.
I sold my company. Was offered a CEO role to run it and other brands and build a big team.
Then started a new company (or a couple), shutting one down, moving into a huge space with team and starting a new co (creative agency) to support our main co.
Bought a house near beach.
Amongst other things.
I share a bit here today.